C300 Analog Input Module
C300 AI module MC-PHAI01
Supported control network : Only FTE(Currently, each C300 must be
connected to a control firewall)
Device index configuration : Between 1 and 510
IOTA size : 6 feet
Supports I/O links for several days : 2
Available input/output link speed :
375 Kbaud (PM INPUT/output only)
750 Kbaud (C Series input/output only)
Analog Input Module
Input Channels 16 Channels
Common Mode Voltage, dc to 60 Hz -6 to +5 V peak
A/D Converter Resolution 16 bits
Input Range 4-20 mA only (through 200 Ω)
Normal Mode Rejection Ratio, at 60 Hz 19 dB
Maximum Normal Mode Input ± 30 Volts
Crosstalk, dc to 60 Hz -60 dB
Input Scan Rate 50 ms