Temperature Transmitter
Enhanced display with local operator interface (LOI)
LCD display
Integral transient protection
Enhanced accuracy and stability
Transmitter-sensor matching with
Callendar-Van Dusenconstants
Variety of enclosures
Control Techniques Drive
Voltage Rating:400V AC
Current Rating:45A at 400V
Frequency Range:0-500 Hz
Input Power: 3-phase 400V AC
Control Inputs/Outputs:0-10V or 4-20mA
Operating temperature range: Typically -10°C to +50°C
Storage temperature range: -40°C to +70°C
Inverter Drive
Power Rating: 11 kW
Current Rating: 27 A
Input Voltage: 380–480 V AC, 3-phase
Output Frequency: 0-550 Hz
Overload Capacity: 150% for 1 minute
Enclosure Rating: IP20 / UL open class (NEMA 1)
Extender Cable
8-Wide I/O
Interface Carrier
with Carrier Shield Bar
Operating temperature-40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F)
Storage temperature-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
Relative humidity5 to 95%, non-condensing
Extender Cable
8-Wide I/O
Interface Carrier with
Carrier Shield Bar
Single Enhanced
Carrier Extender Cable
and Redundant SISNet Coax Cables
Cables are 1.2m
Extender Cable
8-Wide I/O
Interface Carrier
with Carrier Shield Bar and Single
EnhancedCarrier Extender Cable.
Cable is 1.2m
Fused I/O Termination Block
Redundant Standard I/O
Termination Block
8 Channels
Dry Contact
Terminal Block
24 VDC
Rated Voltage: 250 V AC/DC
Rated Current: 10 A
Solid wire: 0.2 to 4 mm²
Stranded wire: 0.2 to 4 mm²
RTD / Resistance Input Card
Local Bus Power 12 VDC at 160 mA
AmbientTemperature-40°C to +70°C
Shock 10g ½ Sinewave for 11msec
Vibration 1mm Peak to Peak from 2 to 13.2Hz;
0.7g from 13.2 to 150Hz
AirborneContaminantsISA-S71.04 –
1985 AirborneContaminants Class G3
Relative Humidity 5 to 95% Non-Condensing IP 20 Rating
Terminal Block keyPosition C3
16-CH AI Terminal Block
Input Power Rating 30 VDC @ 100m A
AmbientTemperature-40 °C to +70 °C
Shock 10 g half-sine wave for 11 ms
1 mm peak to peak from 2 to 13.2 Hz;
0.7 g from 13.2 to 150 Hz
ISA-S71.04 –1985 Airborne
Contaminants Class G3
Relative Humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing
CHARM Bus power rating +6.3 VDC at 0 mA
Field circuit power rating+24 VDC at 78 mA
AmbientTemperature-40°C to +70°C
Shock 10g ½ Sinewave for 11msec
Vibration 1mm Peak to Peak from 2 to13.2Hz;
0.7g from 13.2 to 150Hz
Airborne Contaminants
ISA-S71.04 –1985 Airborne
Contaminants Class G3
Industrial Control Module
Digital Inputs/Outputs:
Supports discrete I/O for control and status monitoring.
Analog Inputs/Outputs:
Can include support for continuous analog signals
Operating Temperature: 0°C to 60°C
Storage Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
Humidity: 5% to 95%, non-condensing
IS module power supply carrier
IS module power supply carrier 8724-CA-PS
Accommodates one 8920 PSU module
DIN rail or panel mounting
printed wiring board
rugged polycarbonate moulding
32- and 64-slot address capable
System Power Supply module: 8920-PS-DC
DC power supply
Power Module-Field Input
24VDC In
5A@12VDC Out
Power for 2/1 (IS) modules
Use2/1 (IS)
modules power with
support for load sharing redundancy
DC power supply
PAC8000 I/O
Power Module-Field Input24VDC In
5A@12VDC Out;
Power for 2/1 (IS) modules
Use2/1 (IS) modules power
with support for load sharing redundancy
PAC8000 Intrinsically Safe module
DC power supply (8 modules)
Analog Input Module
Ovation Distributed Control System
8 to 16 analog input channels
Analog signals
4-20 mA, 0-10 V
16-bit resolution for high precision
0°C to 60°C
Analog Input Module
Channels: 15
Signal Types:
standard current input:4-20 mA
voltage inputs0-5 VDC
Input Range: 0-10 VDC, ±10 VDC,
Signal Conversion: 16-bit
Input Impedance: High input impedance f
or accurate measurements without significant loading.
Input Accuracy: Typically ±0.1%
Operating Temperature: -20°C to +60°C
Analog output module
Channels: 16 or 32
current output:4-20 mA
voltage output:0-10 VDC or ±10 VDC
Output Range:0-10 V, ±10 V, 4-20 mA
Resolution: 16-bit
±0.1% of full scale for voltage outputs
±0.1% of full scale for current outputs